estrategias digitales para atraer clientes al taller de chapa y pintura sinnek

Have you ever wondered how to attract new customers to your bodyshop through the use of search engines, social media or internet advertising?

In today’s digital age, it is essential to know the strategies, tools and platforms that can help you give visibility and attract new users to your business.

In this post, we will provide you with some keys and strategies to achieve this.

Digital strategy for a local business

There are many options on the Internet, and in particular the speciality digital marketing for bodyshops.

Defining a digital strategy, which includes the main performance indicators and the objectives to be achieved, will help us to improve our online visibility and, above all, to increase the impact on the bodyshop’s turnover.

Defining a digital strategy will help us to improve our online visibility and, above all, to increase the impact on the bodyshop’s turnover.

In most cases, with few exceptions, the bodyshop business model is based on selling services locally.

In other words, the potential customers will be those who live within a certain distance of the bodyshop and who will travel to the bodyshop for a repair service.

Therefore, regardless of the platforms and channels we use, our strategy must be aimed at attracting customers from our geographical area.

Main strategies and digital platforms to attract customers to the bodyshop

There are many ways, both paid and free, in with which we can promote our business and attract new customers to the bodyshop. Let us take a look at the most relevant ones.

  5 Key Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption in the Bodyshop

1.   Optimise your website to attract customers

A website is your bodyshop’s cover letter in the digital world.

Make sure it is well designed and easy to browse. It is important for your website to be optimised for mobile devices, since there are increasingly more users who make local searches from their telephones.

Do not forget to include information about your services, featured products, opening hours and contact details.

These last two points are key to closing a potential service sale, so they should be easily accessible.

Estrategias digitales para atraer más clientes al taller de carrocería

2.   Local SEO: be relevant in your geographical area

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is a technique that aims to be relevant and positioned for certain user search intentions.

Register your bodyshop on Google My Business and make sure you have a complete and up-to-date business listing.

In this sense, local SEO, a variant focused on relevance at a geolocalised search level, is essential for customers in your area to find you in search engine results.

Register your bodyshop on Google My Business and make sure you have a complete and up-to-date business listing. Include relevant information such as address, opening hours, telephone number, photos of the bodyshop and description of the business.

In addition, you can request feedback from your satisfied customers and respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, to enhance trust and good service to potential customers.

As a complementary measure, it is advisable to register the business

in relevant local directories and update the information regularly. Certain important directories include Yelp, Foursquare and directories specific to your region or sector.


Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, as this brings trust and confidence to the potential customer.

As for the content, in order to obtain visibility for certain terms, use key words such as, «bodyshop» or

bodywork and paintwork” and add geographic terms specific to your location to improve your ranking in local search results.

Use these keywords in the title, description, headings and content of your website.

Post relevant and useful content related to the bodyshop and your geographical area. You can create blog articles about maintenance tips, common repairs in your geographic area or local events related to vehicles, applications, etc.

By providing useful and educational content, you will position yourself as an expert in the body and paint industry, which will build trust among users.

3.   Social media: a way to connect with your audience

Social media is a great way to attract customers to your bodyshop and keep them informed about promotions, events or news.

Find out which social media your target audience is on. For a bodyshop, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok can be good options.

Keep an active presence on your social media by regularly posting relevant and quality content. Share photos of work performed, bodywork tutorials, advice on servicing, special promotions and local events.

Use hashtags that are relevant and related to your sector and geographical area and activate geolocation in your publications so that nearby users can find you more easily.

Keep an active presence on your social media by regularly posting relevant and quality content.

Finally, it is advisable to respond to your followers’ comments, questions and messages in a timely and personalised manner. This will build trust in your business.

  5 Key Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption in the Bodyshop

4.   Targeted advertising to reach more customers

Online advertising platforms, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, can be an effective tool for obtaining customers in the digital channel.

Digitalizar taller chapa y pintura

These platforms allow you to segment your audience by location, age or interests, which will help you reach the right users at the right time.

Make sure you optimise your ads using attractive images and relevant keywords. It is also important to measure their performance in order to adjust your strategy if necessary.

5.   Collaborate with other local businesses

A good way to increase the visibility of your bodyshop is to collaborate with other local businesses.

You can establish alliances with mechanical bodyshops, spare parts companies or car rental companies, for example, and offer them discounts or exclusive promotions to their customers.

This will allow you to reach a wider audience and increase your chances of attracting new customers.

6.   Encourage feedback and testimonials from satisfied customers

Reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers are an excellent way to show the quality of your work and gain the trust of new customers.

Encourage your customers to leave reviews on platforms such as Google, Facebook or on your website and share their positive experiences on your social media.

7.   Promotions and special offers

Offering promotions and special offers can be an incentive for customers to try your services or it can serve to build loyalty among existing customers.

You can offer time-limited discounts, bundled service packages or free gifts. Publish these promotions on your website and social media to reach a wider audience.


In summary, there are various strategies, tools and platforms that you can use to attract customers to your bodyshop through the internet. Optimise your website, use local SEO, create social media profiles, collaborate with other local businesses, provide useful and educational content, encourage customer reviews, participate in local events and create special promotions.

By applying these tactics consistently, you will be able to increase the visibility of your business and attract more local customers with an interest in your bodyshop services.